Thursday, December 5, 2013

What's on your calendar?

For those who are following my advent activities of giving and receiving, here is a more indepth description of what happened this week:

Adevnt pre-season (the tail-end of November)
November 29th 
Today I spent time with my siblings at the downtown tree lighting. We went on a free train bus ride, ooh'd and ah'd at the trees on display for The Festival of the Trees, and listened to a live school band. At the tree lighting we accepted a warm cup of hot chocolate and waited for the ceremony to begin. A few choir songs later the Christmas tree was lit and then my family and I went out to Thai for dinner.

November 30th 
I spent the Saturday on Thanksgiving weekend with my niece folding bags for the Walk and Knock. It was so chilly in the warehouse, but it was fun meeting new people who want to make the community a better, well fed, place.


Advent day 1

Today I decorated my ceiling with Christmas balls, bells, and snowflakes. It's my unique way to celebrate and not have to worry about my cats messing about with a tree or destroying cherished ornaments. I LOVE Christmas decorations!

Advent day 2
Today I went to my Credit Union to select a gift for the giving tree. I noticed that there were gifts for adults and children. I loved the idea of giving a gift to an adult, so I took a tag that had the request for a lined flannel shirt. I went to the store and found the lined flannel shirt WITH A HOOD! It was the same price as the shirts without a hood so I grabbed it and dropped it back at the bank.

Advent day 3

The first week of December PODS and Safeway partnered to help gather toys the Toys For Tots drive. This had a special meaning for me because the Marines are in charge of this charity. My niece is in boot camp right now and it's a way for us to feel connected while we're apart. I dropped off a Spiderman kite, two card games, and a necklace kit. I had ulterior motives and wanted to meet up with a Marine cutie, but I went too late in the day and had to drop off my gifts without fanfare.

Advent day 4

Today I read the holiday favorite The Polar Express. This story instantly makes me feel like a child all ready for magic to happen. I treated myself to watching the movie version and was delighted by the artistry and intensity of the story brought to life. New tradition!

Advent day 5

My mother and I like to spend time together at least once a week and so I invited her to join me in my advent activity. She agreed and we wrote notes which read "You've been R.A.C.K.'d (random acts of cool kindness) Pay it forward!" We slipped the notes, with attached chocolate coins, into my inspirational book Eternal Beginning and got into the car and drove. We had chosen two locations before we left, and we placed the other three in places we felt inspired to leave them. My mom was so in tune with the spirit of giving that she suggested that we get coffee for three construction flaggers who were out in the cold in out neighborhood. We went to Dutch Bros. Coffee and picked up three holiday drinks. The barista was so chipper and fun. He was so excited that the coffee was going to be a gift that he offered to add whip cream and sprinkles to make the coffee more festive. With the coffee in hand we went back to the construction site and handed out the goodies. Each worker was touched and so excited by the thoughtful gesture. My mom and I high-fived and went on our way.

Stay tuned for the next installment of advent activities and let me know what you're doing to celebrate the season!

Catch up on all the fun!

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