Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Magic Returns!

Merlin’s Knot by Raven C.S. Mccracken

What a ride! Interwoven in this story are ancient secrets, magic reborn and Incan knot codes tied to Celtic symbols. Add the famous Merlin’s account of sacred and secret rituals written in a book desired by the hands, both good and evil, and you have one great story!

Alan Clark discovers the key to the meaning behind the intricate Celtic symbols and makes his way to the resting place of Merlin’s book of knowledge. This begins a string of events that tear Alan and his friends from normal life to the extraordinary.

I really enjoyed the mingling of different ancient cultures. There’s enough potential truth to presentation of magic that you almost feel like you could light or extinguish a fire with the casual flip of your hand. I enjoyed the imagination that went into this book. I wish the story stretched out a little longer and gone a little more in depth with the technical details concerning the interpreting of the Celtic knots. That being said the action and clever introduction of artificial intelligence and nano-technology easily kept my attention.

I would recommend this book to any young adult or adult that wants a quick adventure.  Be aware there are a few swear words, but they are used artistically to emphasize emotion. 

Raven c.s. McCracken

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