Friday, March 2, 2012


Conundrum by C.S. Lankin

This book is filled with quotes, poems and puzzles like the story’s namesake. There are several angst filled story lines, and we begin with the threat of a breakdown  from the main character’s brother, Raff. In the midst of that chaos is the mystery of her father’s death, the potential breakdown of her marriage, miscarriage and the discovery that her siblings are not what they seem.

It was all one big downer for me. I couldn’t really relate to any of the characters. The chaos was mostly self-imposed and selfish. Sons refused to cut the apron strings; husbands lacked backbones through more than one generation. It was a very catty and uncomfortable ride through a family history that I’m glad is not my own.

Towards the end of the tale flashbacks were used and really disoriented the flow of the story for me. It felt like the author was trying to make the story longer and while there was more to read I didn’t think it pushed the story along. I wish the ending had a more powerful triumphant message it was a let-down after all the pain the characters had suffered.

I would recommend this book to those that enjoy drama and unbelievable constant torment.

C.S. Lakin

1 comment:

  1. I like puzzles and I like the word "conundrum". Not so much constant torment. And speaking of torment, did you know that your Word Verification is turned on?

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